
Showing posts from December, 2018

Hobbies and Carrier

Thinking about careers made me think that a career is a job from a hobby that is developed into a more professional field. Careers are closely related to what profession will be involved in the future. In the present, especially for students arranging careers as early as possible as a concern that is difficult to eliminate. Designing a checklist is also a bit confusing. At a young age, especially students who are still in their 20s usually do not have a mature plan or have had several wishlists for careers in the future, but have not been directed clearly. Some of them are not even able to design exactly what they want to do because they are too worried. I am one of them. These reasons usually arise when someone thinks about what they aspire to be too high or the difficulty of finding job openings, especially in accordance with the study program. Sometimes it also makes me a dizzy and confused where I will start building a career. I also once thought whether a favorite hobby should ...

Science of Hataraku Saibo

Yap kali ini admin bakal membahas mengenai anime yang booming di tahun 2017 lalu. Yaitu Hataraku Saibo. Hemm... para pecinta anime atau animers tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi ya karena anime ini termasuk anime rekomendasi wajib tonton. Karena selain menghibur juga ada sisi education nya. Tahu sendirilah genrenya aja science-comedy. Nah sedikit menyinggung mengenai profil anime ini. Jadi, Hataraku Saibo adalah karya dari Akane Shimizu. Manga-nya telah rilis tahun 2015. Tetapi anime-nya baru dirilis bulan Juli 2018 kemarin. Anime ini mengisahkan tentang sel-sel yang bekerja di tubuh manusia namun (anehnya ) sel-sel ini juga diwujudkan seolah manusia yang sedang bekerja dalam tubuh. Ada sel darah merah, sel darah putih bahkan trombosit atau keping darah. Masing-masing menjalankan tugas yang berbeda-beda tentunya. Setelah nonton ini pokoknya kamu akan berfikir "Oh, ternyata begini ya, proses kerja masing-masing organ dalam tubuh" Hehe... Kamu jadi dapat ilmu sekaligus hiburan...

15 Free websites recomendation for learning english

Happy good day, gengs! The reason why I use english because this post is about English, so let's challenging our skill to read this update post. This time I'm going to tell you about many free websites for learning english. Don't waste your time while use your phone only playing and make a status in social media. Now, try to visiting useful website and start learning english. Oke, let's check this page.  This is famous website from UK. If you need more, you can download it as application in play store. This is well-known especially in english learner (student). Many material that can you find, such as audio, video, literatures, news, feature, even the PDF file. BBC is provide interest different program everyday, course levels, subject classes, etc.  This US website provide advisor and mentor that will teach you everywhere. Such as many quizzes, games, podcasts and ESL books that can you download. More like continually multi...